More Signs (and Another Beach Ball) in Wildwood Crest

In today’s post, I’m sharing some photos taken while driving around Wildwood Crest. These photos were taken on November 19th, 1966. (…Or, was that 2022?) Large concrete beach balls are usually found in public municipal areas of Doo Wop City, but here’s one resting at a private residence! Since this isn’t on public property, I’mContinue reading “More Signs (and Another Beach Ball) in Wildwood Crest”

Stella Star At Oceanview

Built in 1963, the Ocean View is the only surviving mid-century Blast-Off! style building, a reference to its dramatic roof style. These photos were taken on the day after Christmas, 1965. (…Or, was that 2021?) Blast Off! refers to a unique roof style: long, wide, and at a low angle on one side, while theContinue reading “Stella Star At Oceanview”

Walking in a Winter Wildwoodland

As I post this, it’s the last day of winter, 1966. (….Or, was that 2022?) Let’s take a look back at our cold winter. Wildwood isn’t typically thought of as a place that receives a foot of snow in a single day, but, this year, that’s exactly what happened. We went around the next dayContinue reading “Walking in a Winter Wildwoodland”